The Rating System
22 April 2004 by martin
I have been drafting a couple of 'blog entries on a few new toys I have been playing with and decided there was something missing. No decent review would be complete without a rating system. My subjective waffle may be fine for me but without a clear, concise and quantative rating how can anybody see what's good and what's not ?
So here I unveil the Freak Gadget Rating or FGR as it will be now known. The FGR is made of 6 parts :
1. Features and Function
Does it do everything you would expect it to ? Are there any useful features you weren't expecting ?
2. Ease of use
How well has it been designed ? Are the features you'd use most easy to understand and access ? Could the rest of my familiy use it ?
3. Looks and style
Is it easy on the eye or will my wife give me grief and ban it from the house ?
4. Build quality
Will it stand up to the demands of use for the next years ?
5. Value for money
Does it's cost represent good value compared with its features and functions ?
6. Day to day impact
This is the most important category - just how often would it get used and will it really have an affect on our day to day lives ?
Each category will be marked out of 10 and the total score expressed as a percentage. So bring on the gadgets and let's see how they score !